Happier Meals, Eating Greenfully, and Chomping Climate Change

Happier Meals, Eating Greenfully, and Chomping Climate Change

(Excerpted/adapted from a speech by Robert Goodland on September 7, 2013 at The McDougall Conference in Santa Rosa, California; see full speech at http://www.chompingclimatechange.org/uploads/8/0/6/9/8069267/happiermeals.pdf) There’s an accidental environmental aspect to the location of this conference;  that is, it’s being held near Silicon Valley, which is largely responsible for revolutionizing the world by replacing brick and mortar with digital and virtual processes. That can ..

Hidden Cost of Hamburgers is Greater than Reported

Hidden Cost of Hamburgers is Greater than Reported

How CIR’s report on the environmental impact of meat consumption went wrong by Robert Goodland When the Center for Investigative Reporting (CIR) recently published a report on the hidden costs of meat, with a video and a transcript of its voice-over, readers and viewers had reason to believe that they could find in it some reliable information. ..

FAO’s New Parternship with the Livestock Industry

FAO’s New Parternship with the Livestock Industry

by Robert Goodland This posting was first published on the website of the Meat Free Monday campaign established by Paul, Stella, and Mary McCartney, at http://www.meatfreemondays.com/news/faos-new-partnership-needs-improvement-to-compete-with-meat-free-monday.cfm The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), a specialised agency of the United Nations, announced earlier this month that it will lead a new partnership to include the International Meat ..

Record heat spiked by collusion between the meat industry and FAO

by Robert Goodland The past year has been the warmest ever in the United States, with record heat sweeping across the country last week, causing at least 52 human deaths and also harming livestock. In fact, livestock are not only harmed by human-caused global-warming greenhouse gas, but also cause about 18% of it, according to ..

UN advisor recommends meat only one day per week to address climate change

UN advisor recommends meat only one day per week to address climate change

An advisor to the UN World Health Organization is recommending that people eat meat only one day per week, in order to address climate change and public health issues. Dr. Tim Lang, a professor at the City University of London and advisor to the UN World Health Organization, issued this recommendation shortly after governments failed to agree on a new climate treaty that ..