Chomping Climate Change addresses the failure of politicians for 20+ years to implement international policies on climate change. Now most people don’t trust politicians on climate change. Our mission is to inspire people to learn about and act on the only pragmatic way to reverse climate change before it’s too late.
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According to new data published by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, worldwide production of animal-based meat products has dropped for the fourth year in a row since 2018-2019. The trend of declining livestock production stands in sharp contrast to analysis from the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), a UN specialized agency. The FAO’s agricultural outlook for 2020-2029 .. According to new data published by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the production of animal-based meat has been dropping worldwide since 2018-2019. The trend of declining livestock production stands in sharp contrast to analysis from the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), a UN specialized agency. The FAO’s agricultural outlook for 2020-2029 states that “protein from… The “Union of Concerned Scientists”, also known as “UCS,” published a blog posting by UCS’s Doug Boucher entitled “Movie Review: There’s a Vast Cowspiracy about Climate Change” — which pretends to be a “movie review,” but is actually a way for UCS to minimize the impact of livestock on climate change. Most of Doug… Earth Day 2018, at least according to one article, is a good time to “switch to a Plant-Based Diet,” considering that “livestock and their byproducts account for at least 51 percent of all worldwide greenhouse gas emissions”. Indeed, the top priority among environmental issues on Earth Day is climate change – and that’s because a .. It turns out that there is actually a way to address climate change through Americans’ enjoyment of turkey this Thanksgiving. It’s based on the following facts. First, if climate change continues to worsen, then we may have less to give thanks for in the coming years, as climate change imperils agricultural production. Climate change also exposes .. Earth Day 2017, at least according to one newspaper (The Statesman), “is a great time to go the extra mile when it comes to sustainability… 51% of greenhouse gas emissions are from livestock and their byproducts… [so] following a vegan diet would be the most sustainable diet”. But following a vegan diet is .. Heading into World Food Day this Sunday, a new international agreement was signed to combat climate change by reducing emissions of hydrofluorocarbons, used in refrigerators and air conditioners. However, even when combined with the major voluntary agreement signed in Paris in December 2015, the new agreement was projected to be insufficient to avert runaway climate change. Climate… Americans headed into the Fourth of July holiday – U.S. Independence Day – enjoying the lowest gas prices since 2005, motivating more driving than ever. To combat climate change, there seems little choice but to buy a more fuel-efficient car, but Americans are doing the opposite. Yet Americans are still finding it possible to fight climate change .. by Robert Goodland Climate change is fearsome. If climate change it not controlled, then it’s projected that it may imperil humanity in major cities across the world, including Paris, New York, London, and Dubai. The last chance for major action before climate change become catastrophically irreversible is said to be 2020 or at the latest 2026. This means it .. Heading into World Environment Day this Sunday, a Scientific American article warned that climate change has started to cause crops and livestock to die off in many places, imperiling the survival of some of the world’s poorest people. Yet the Scientific American article overlooked how livestock cause climate change. In fact, livestock are responsible for as much as 51 percent of… For many Americans, backyard cookouts featuring burgers, sausages, and ribs are a hallmark of Memorial Day. Yet these cookouts can help to accelerate climate change, which threatens to become irreversible by 2020, with a rise in sea levels that could imperil cities including New York, Los Angeles, and Miami. Livestock that are made into animal products are responsible for as much as 51% .. Climate change will likely become irreversible by 2020; so this Friday’s Earth Day may be the last one when Americans can still think about voting for a president under whom climate change might be reversed before it’s too late. The top priority among environmental issues on Earth Day is climate change, and that’s because a ..Uncategorized
Since Peak Livestock in 2019, climate change has driven another year of less livestock
Updated Analysis
Breaking news: Livestock production peaked in 2018-2019 (a Chomping Climate Change exclusive article)
“Concerned Scientists” minimize the impact of livestock on climate change
Earth Day 2018: First day for a new diet?
Inspiration to Act
How turkey this Thanksgiving might save our world
Inspiration to Act
Earth Day 2017: first day for a new diet?
On World Food Day, Where’s The Food (WTF)?
Inspiration to Act
Combating climate change on the Fourth of July
Updated Analysis
How to Reverse Climate Change Before It’s Too Late
Inspiration to Act
On World Environment Day 2016, hope endures for reversing climate change
How to reverse climate change through backyard cookouts on Memorial Day
Inspiration to Act
How to be more green on Earth Day than Donald, Ted, Hillary, or Bernie