Following is a sample of presentations to conferences based on the work of Chomping Climate Change (n.b., this is a representative sample; many others are available):
- Though “Livestock and Climate Change” – this Chomping Climate Change site’s key source – critiques analysis by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization, the FAO invited the authors of “Livestock and Climate Change” to deliver presentations in Rome and Berlin:
*“Forests, Fisheries, Agriculture: A Vision for Sustainability“ (Rome)
*“How the Food Industry Can Reverse Climate Change” (Berlin)
- The authors of “Livestock and Climate Change,” this site’s key source, were invited to present the keynote speech to the Chinese Academy of Sciences’s Clean Technology Summit in Beijing, China, entitled “Environmental Risk and Opportunity for China and the World”
- Happier Meals, Eating Greenfully, and Chomping Climate Change is the title of a speech delivered by Robert Goodland in California in September 2013, and a videotaped version of the presentation has been posted on YouTube.
- A speech by Robert Goodland begins around the 29:30 mark of a video filmed with California’s Secretary of Agriculture and others on Earth Day 2010.